Author - Inês Domingos

IAN Talk: Investimento sustentável

Nos últimos anos, a preocupação com o investimento sustentável conduziu ao desenvolvimento de estratégias de investimentos e de fundos de investimentos de ESG (Environment Social and Corporate Governance, ou Governança Ambiental, Social e Corporativa em português). Os ativos ESG deverão atingir cerca de 38 bilhões de dólares no final deste ano em todo o mundo....

IAN’s Week in Review: German Constitutional Court rules on ECB, surveillance becomes a priority

In Europe, the German Constitutional Court ruled that the ECB will have to provide additional information on PSPP programme, which was launched during the previous debt crisis, to support Member States with large debts, otherwise it will force the Bundesbank to retreat from that programme. The Court ruled that the ECB programme did not amount...

IAN Week in Review: Eurogroup fails to agree on corona bonds

On the economic front, the Eurogroup announced three common European instruments to deal with the crisis: EU Commission's plan for employment polices worth EUR100bn, a reinforcement of EIB funding to SMEs worth EUR200bn and the activation of the ESM precuatiorany credit line worth EUR260bn, for coronovirus health related spending. This is a first step towards...