International Affairs Spotlight

Our Spotligh collects op-eds and essays from our internal experts, associates and from guests. This is not a peer-reviewed journal.

Spotlight – Dezembro, 2024

O ano de 2024 trouxe enormes  desafios e tendências que provavelmente  marcarão o mundo por várias décadas. Na  última edição do Spotlight sugerimos que  este poderia ser o início de uma nova versão  dos “loucos anos 20”, marcados não só pelas  rápidas transformações na indústria e na  tecnologia, mas também nos hábitos e  padrões da...

Spotlight – December, 2023

Ao entrarmos em 2024, entraremos também num momento de avaliação intermédio das transformações que nos trazem os anos 20 do século XXI. A conclusão preliminar é a de que estes poderão bem ser de verdadeira transformação da sociedade global – uma nova versão dos “loucos anos 20”, marcados não só pelas muitas transformações rápidas na...

Azerbaijan’s War Trophies Park – Ethnic Intolerance in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Azerbaijan’s War Trophies Park – Ethnic Intolerance in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict   Last week, Azerbaijan unveiled its new ‘War Trophies Park’. The site, which is purportedly designed to celebrate the country’s efforts in the recent Nagorno-Karabakh war, is in reality no more than a menagerie to human suffering. To observers of the conflict, it is the most recent...

Why Britain’s new Turkish trade deal moves the country further away from recognising the Armenian Genocide

The recent trade agreement between Britain and Turkey has been hailed a huge success by the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It is no surprise that Turkey’s strongman is all too happy to accept such a lucrative deal in light of his country’s faltering economy. However, this new agreement demonstrates a willingness to place economic...

US Election Spotlight – A Biden Administration might be more conventional in style but the US will remain hawkish on technology in US-China trade relations

The stakes of an election for a United States convulsed by division, cynicism, misery and - in certain instances - open season in the streets have scarcely been so great. The outcome will have global implications too. Four years of President Trump’s half-baked worldview has created myriad problems in international relations and global order. Nowhere has...

Conflict in the Caucasus: The Geopolitics of the Nagorno-Karabakh Clashes

The clashes in Nagorno Karabakh are the latest in a long series of confrontations between the Republic of Armenia and its neighbour the Republic of Azerbaijan. It perhaps comes as no surprise to close observers of the conflict that both sides blame one another for this most recent flare up. The defence ministry of Armenia has...

Trump’s latest move against Huawei is a pyrrhic victory in the race for AI supremacy. Here’s Why.

May 16th 2020. The Financial Times reported that the Trump Administration has ramped up pressure on Chinese telecoms company, Huawei, by tightening the export controls for US companies providing them with semiconductor technology. “We must amend our rules being exploited by Huawei … and prevent US technologies from enabling malign activities contrary to US national...

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on European economies and how this may redefine the concept of precarity

The global economic slowdown has shared centre stage with the immediate public health threat that the COVID-19 crisis presently poses. Spiralling unemployment, eye-watering government bailout packages, collapsing supply chains and consumer demand falling off a cliff have all but resigned the markets to a deep recession. Some commentators fail to see why the markets would...


This short post aims at discussing escape-routes for the exponential growth of surveillance capitalist models in the digital world. By proposing three different alternatives, the work questions whether it is possible to escape the massive data harvesting that feeds companies like Google or Facebook and turns ‘free’ apps like Pokémon Go into data mining lucrative...

© Oleksandr Kalinichenko |

China-US: Trade peace or rules of engagement?

The world entered 2020 in financial euphoria, on the back of the trade agreement between China and the United States, after more than a year of advances and setbacks - sometimes frantically advertised firsthand through social networks - which had caused much uncertainty in economic and political terms. And if this initial agreement may become...