The Spotlight

Spotlight – Dezembro, 2024

O ano de 2024 trouxe enormes  desafios e tendências que provavelmente  marcarão o mundo por várias décadas. Na  última edição do Spotlight sugerimos que  este poderia ser o início de uma nova versão  dos “loucos anos 20”, marcados não só pelas  rápidas transformações na indústria e na  tecnologia, mas também nos hábitos e  padrões da...

Spotlight – December, 2023

Ao entrarmos em 2024, entraremos também num momento de avaliação intermédio das transformações que nos trazem os anos 20 do século XXI. A conclusão preliminar é a de que estes poderão bem ser de verdadeira transformação da sociedade global – uma nova versão dos “loucos anos 20”, marcados não só pelas muitas transformações rápidas na...

Spotlight 5 – November, 2022

The most striking global macroeconomic trend between the end of the Second World War and the financial crisis was the acceleration of international relations, in particular trade and foreign investment. The main drivers for this trend were the development and enlargement of the European Union and the integration of China into global value chains and...

Spotlight 4 – Maio, 2021

Preparing Europe for the digital age is among the six key priorities of the European Commission (EC) established by President Ursula von der Leyen in 2019. The digital transition is key to the growth of the European Union (EU) in the next decade, to the green transition and to strengthen competitiveness vis-à-vis other regions, in...

Spotlight 3 – December, 2020

The new European Commission headed by President Ursula Von Der Leyen, which took office in 2019, identified environmental sustainability in the European Union as one of its priorities, leading to the announcement of a European Green Deal. The pandemic has not changed this objective, as a significant part of the recovery and resilience package to...

Spotlight 2 – June, 2020

Between the first and second issue of The Spotlight, the global pandemic has changed our plans quite a bit, but it has not diminished our resolve. We have moved our events online and to podcasts. You can now hear the International Affairs Network podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and our web site. We held...

Spotlight 1 – November, 2019

In a rapidly changing world, our think tank aims to develop research, policy papers and education on the rules-based global order founded on the three main pillars of liberal democracies: the rule of law, checks and balances and free speech. Those have been the foundations for the achievements that we prize in the Western world,...